L to R: Porto Cemetery; inverted Pieta statue, Sevilla, Stockholm Spring; photos by Author.

The High Holy Days: The 20th Anniversary of 9/11

2 min readSep 7, 2021


As We Begin Days of Solemn Rememberance

On the music channel, a violinist plays, emotionally, the score from a movie I know I saw, but can’t recall. Italian film, I think. She is accompanied only by a piano. It’s beautiful and sad. Violins can weep, it seems.

I start to read Jack’s story in “The Washington Post” and tears fill my eyes. A young man now…



Patrick O’hearn, PhD

A psychologist morphing into a writer, photographer, singer, poet, historian, traveler &4ever student. Let’s Do Twitter: Pt4Oh. Obrigado!