
Westminster Abbey, London, photo by Author


I wonder if these medieval special ops warriors were seen as sexy. It’s subjective lol.
‘Twas a sacrifice, but perhaps ‘twas a badge of Honour too? Think of the Italian parents who gave their sons happily over to the Castrati! They became Rockstars!

The “Mary Rose” eh? Methinks twas named after the King’s well-loved daughter (and future reigning Queen), Mary I. Well… loved until he turned against her cruelly and unremittingly.

I wrote a brief biography in defence o’ “Bloody Mary.” An apologia, if you please. She deserves a reconsideration. Here it ‘tis:

Mary Tudor, Portrait in Prado Museum, Madrid



Patrick O’hearn, PhD

A psychologist morphing into a writer, photographer, singer, poet, historian, traveler &4ever student. Let’s Do Twitter: Pt4Oh. Obrigado!